Marc Schütz schrieb:
> I have now created two proposals:
Hi Marc!

First of all, I'm not against putting these things into OSM as they 
often can be used as a good landmark in rural areas.

Actually I'm a bit unsure about these two proposals because:

- maybe they are too detailed - so we will end up with a lot of very 
detailed but highly related tags (which are then hard to learn)
- maybe put both proposals under religion? Won't these often still be 
used for local pilgrimage so their "not so historic"? Or course this is 
a border case, as most of these are often rather old.
- there's already historic=memorial which 
interferes with your proposals I think. Maybe simply use it and extend 
it, add a subtag for these special memorials? AFAIK, often these wayside 
things were raised to "thank god and virgin Mary that I've survived this 
thunderstorm in 1857" or such - so in fact they are a sort of memorial 
anyway ;-) However, as these are often weathered, today it might be hard 
to find out what actually is being memorized upon.

Again, I'm just unsure how to find a good tagging solution for this, but 
I'm not convinced of the current proposals ...

Regards, ULFL

P.S: While I tend to put comments into the proposal page, I didn't want 
to have two discussions about the same thing - so I'll use the ML for 
this one.

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