Robert Vollmert schrieb:
> Hello,
> On Feb 3, 2008, at 20:20, Robin Paulson wrote:
>> taking on board one of Frederic's comments from last week: there are a
>> lot of proposed 'shop' tags on the proposals page, something which is
>> overwhelming and time-consuming to solve using our current method of
>> tag proposal/ratifying
>> i think it would be a good idea to group a lot of these tags together
>> in one proposal,
> [...]
>> any tags that get even the slightest objection/comments, etc can be
>> spun out to their own proposal and discussed in more depth as usual
> sounds good, but why not go a step further: There could be a page on  
> the wiki for "simple" proposals, and anything that gets no objections  
> for a week is automatically approved and added to Map Features.
Because I want to have good proposals, not fast ones ;-)

I guess, lot's of the simple tags are not that simple when you look more 
close at it, but let's have a try at Robins idea ...

Regards, ULFL

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