As a sanity check can I propose a few uses of OSM data and see if we think
they would be allowed, or not allowed, based on the proposed licence and
also if we would want them to be allowed or not. Can I suggest that we build
up a library of such scenarios and for each one discuss any legal


Someone takes OSM data and creates a map of an area of the country and
surrounds it with photos and diagrams and wants the collection to be C to
them. I would hope that this was allowed but that the person was expected to
put a licence phrase relating to the OSM content on the resulting map.


Someone take OSM data, makes some additions to the street data and then
publishes it as above with additional photos and diagrams. I would hope that
this was allowed, that a message on the paper map was required and that the
updated 'Derived Database' of OSM data was made available in a suitable and
usable form for inclusion in OSM in the future.


Someone creates a video animation from OSM data to be broadcast as part of a
news package on the BBC. I would hope that it would be ok, but that a
acknowledgement for OSM was included in the credits or visibly as part of
the animation or by other means, possibly on their web site if there was
genuinely no reasonably way to include it in the broadcast.


BadMapCo creates a Collective Work based on their own mapping data (roads in
most places and footpath/cycle path data in places) and augment this with
additional footpath/cycle path from OSM (taken as a Derivative Database with
a geocoded boundary) and then published the resulting DB as C BadMapCo as a
Collective Database with acknowledgement for OSM. Over time they reduce the
area taken from OSM until it isn't necessary any more, but by shrinking the
area which they use from OSM as they complete their own surveying they never
add any content to the Derived Database to offer back to us.


LicenceBreaker creates a Collective Database with OSM data and some other
random Public Domain geocoded photos and publishes it as a Collective Work
as PD (which I think the licence currently allows). Someone else takes the
PD Collective Work and removes the irrelevant photos and publishes the
original OSM data as PD.


BadInternetCompany takes OSM data, uses it to create mapping and offers it
to the public and then encourages their users to correct and improve it, but
claim that, since it is only for 'internal' use, they therefore don't have
to offer any content back to OSM.










Peter Miller


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