bvh wrote:
> Well, I know a situation where there was a dispute over rights of
> way over a particular piece of path that got very heated indeed.
> Leading even up to 'real life edit wars' (Owner puts up fence,
> anonymous destroys fence, owner add dogs, dogs get shot etc...)
> I would not be surprised for the people in that particular incident
> going as far as starting an edit war in Openstreetmap.

OK. But when it's something this tiny, who really cares? :-) Last man 
standing wins a phyrric victory for taking hours of his time moving 
three nodes again and again.

>>> - Military buildings and secure facilities
>> How would these cause an edit war?
> Guy maps secure research facility of paranoid company X. Paranoid
> company X deletes facility, etc...

But is there really any question over what the right thing to do is here?

There are two facets to an edit war:

1) deciding what the right thing to do is
2) making sure it's what the database shows

2) is initially a social and later a technical problem. It's far easier 
to solve than 1). But my assertion is that the vast majority of 
1)-problems will be over names.


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