On 10/02/2008, Thomas Walraet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andy Robinson wrote:
> >
> > I started taking photos in March 2006. Since then I've taken 14,000
> > photos taking up 10GB of space.
> Wow...
> When I take photos of street names, I set my camera to 640x480 pixels.
> It's far enough to read them, and only 100ko max per photo.
> Small photos are also handled faster by JOSM.

Indeed, but I'm always finding I want to zoom in on something in the
photo because of what I inadvertently caught in the background so
having a slightly higher resolution is helpful. I only tend to dumb
down if I'm on a long full day session without download access.

I'd certainly agree that there is little point setting a modern
digital camera to use its full pixel definition. Anything over 5
megapixel is defiantly overkill in my view. Currently I'm using my old
2.1megapixel camera and thats normally quite sufficient.


Andy Robinson

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