On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 3:30 PM, J.D. Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Frederik Ramm skrev:
>  > Could we introduce a "beer can in paper bag" symbol for off-licenses
>  > in the US?
>  Frederik, I am shocked, almost downright appalled.. You really want to
>  buy beer in the US ?? EVERYBODY knows that american beer is akin to
>  having sex in a canoe... I mean, take something like Budweiser -  It is
>  so f*cking close to water.
>  ;)

Aside from this new European brand of jingoism, I'd appreciate it if
you left quality American craft beers out of your sweeping
generalizations.  American Lager might be the prevalent commercial
beer in the states, but it's not what people looking for a good beer

If this persists, I'll suggest rendering Ireland with a Guiness logo
and Holland with the Heineken logo. :p



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