On Feb 18, 2008 11:21 PM, Frederik Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> > > By co-incidence, I was in contact with another mapper who's been doing
> > > something like this to make low zoom osmarender rendering a bit
> > > prettier. What's everybody's opinion of this kind of practice? Is it
> > > not an example of compromising the data (which we want to endure) to
> > > work around a temporary deficiency in one particular renderer?
> >
> > If the slip roads are not really underneath the other roads then
> > yes it is definitely wrong (IMHO). The layer tag is meant to describe
> > the physical ordering of the roads on the ground.
> I've had a similar situation on the talk-de list where some people
> seem to have started adding layer=1 to tram tracks. I don't like this
> all that much (a bridge leading over a road with tram tracks would
> then need to be layer=2 etc) but it's hard to argue with them since
> the tram tracks *are* on top of the road. The layer tag doesn't say by
> how much...

I think it's safe to assume that two ways on different layers should
allow the users of the lower layer to pass under the users of the
upper layer. I would presume that the cars can't drive *under* the
tram tracks, so therefore they are on the same layer.

You could politely encourage everyone to figure out where the bug in
the rendering is, and either file trac ticket or submit a patch. The
more details, examples, clarity of explanation and so on the better.


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