David Ebling wrote:

> I too am not going to spend much more time
> contributing to OSM unless someone comes up with a
> solution to this. As I said, I simply don't have the
> skills to do it myself, but the prospect of someone (a
> commercial map company getting worried for example)
> coming along and wiping out entire cities, countries,
> or even the world, makes me feel the investment of
> time is at risk.

There's never any danger of loss of data. Any deleted ways are still  
there in the database. It's just, Potlatch's undelete-one-by-one  
feature aside, we don't have a _simple_ way of recovering them - but  
nonetheless it's possible.

The need for area-level revert is known and understood, we just never  
have enough programmers to do all the funky things that need doing...


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