My gzip-ed traces are imported successfully!

Thanks a Lot!

Tom Hughes wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         Johan Huysmans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm trying to upload my traces. It is a gziped file.
>> But I receive a mail with the message that the import has failed.
>> I tried to upload the same file, but uncompressed and it imported
>> successfully.
>> Is there anything wrong with the gzip support?
> It's more a case of ruby, as normal, sucking exceeding large
> boulders through really, really teeny straws.
> The arose as a result of me moving the import daemon to a 
> different machine the other day. Unfortunately the new machine
> is running ruby 1.8.4 rather than 1.8.5 like the old machine
> and that was enough to break import of compressed traces.
> I'm quite impressed it's taken about 36 hours for anybody to
> notice that it was broken... Hopefully it's fixed now as I have
> now engaged it a bit more creative ruby hacking.
> If anybody really cares about the gory details, the problem is
> that the ruby Tempfile class does not (as might seem obvious at
> first glance) derive from the File class but rather from something
> called DelegateClass(File).
> Now DelegateClass(File) is supposed to delegate calls which are
> not handled by Tempfile methods to the File class but it does a
> rather half assed job of it - in particular it does not ensure
> that "kind_of? File" works, so Tempfile does not look like a File
> object (or like an IO object which File derives from).
> So when the XML parser asked if the source it was being asked
> to import from was "kind_of? IO" the answer was no and it threw
> a wobbly.
> In ruby 1.8.5 the XML parser no longer does the "kind_of? IO" test
> on the source - instead it uses "respond_to?" to make sure that the
> source responds to the methods it needs. As DelegateClass does
> handle "respond_to?" calls correctly this works.
> Tom

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