On 10/03/2008, Robert (Jamie) Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Does anyone know of software that will allow you to pick and choose the
>  towns and other features that appear in a printed outline map? Suppose,
>  for example, that I was planning a Spurr Pilgrimage Tour: how could I
>  print an outline map of England that would show only Birmingham,
>  Stansted, Evesham and Westminster Abbey (without any other towns or
>  features appearing)?

i don't know the status of administrative boundaries in uk, but would
it be possible to define a polygonal bounding box, that used whatever
parish/city/etc boundaries as it's limits?

it should be fairly to extract the corresponding polygon from the db
if you know it's name, and then go from there. i imagine several
neighbouring ones could be joined together to form a super-polgon
bounding box

we can use >4 sided bboxes, right?

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