On Wed, 2008-03-12 at 18:36 +0100, Robert Vollmert wrote:
> On Mar 11, 2008, at 23:02, Jon Burgess wrote:
> > I've just fixed another 248 which were shown up by locating all  
> > polygons
> > output by the old osm2pgsql algorithm whose outer ring had more than a
> > single way.
> I've gone through relations with id below 3000 now, joining up the  
> easy outer rings and setting inner/outer roles where possible (but  
> not removing tags from inner ways yet). There's 1122 multipolygons  
> left, of which 956 now have a member of role=outer. That should be  
> enough to switch to role-based rendering. What do you think?

I'll download the latest UK planet dump and see how the old and new
osm2pgsql algorithms compare. If the number of polygons which get lost
is small then I think we can make the change.

Unless I make an interim update then no new data will get rendered on
the Mapnik layer until the planet dump next Weds. 


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