Frederik Ramm wrote:

> And it is ok for them that whatever clever technical attribution
> scheme you devise is immediately switched off when OSM maps are
> viewed through something else than (e.g. informationfreeway,
> cyclemap, ...) whom you cannot force to use your technical solution?

Well, that's the ODBL enforceability-of-contracts discussion all over  
again. ;)

Andy's right in that actually displaying information on the map  
rendering is a non-starter.

However, it is reasonable, I think, for _large_ attribution-required  
datasets to be imported if the copyright holders are happy for  
attribution to be provided otherwise (probably through a link: our  
existing licence requires attribution anyway, so hyperlinking it isn't  
much effort). ODBL makes a lot of sense in this context.

For these datasets, we could store attribution and bbox in a special  
attribution table, which would be included in the planet and therefore  
could be made viewable in other viewers - or they could simply link  
back to the corresponding view on


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