On Mon, 2008-03-17 at 14:33 -0400, Blake Crosby wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > There is already a page in the wiki for trails
> > (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Mapping/Features/Trail), but this
> > is really just tagging a way with permitted usage (such as footpath,
> > cyclepath, etc.).
> > 
> > Is there any way of marking a 'trail', where a marked route which may
> > exist on other ways in part or as a whole?
> I think following the current bus route tagging scheme might be a good 
> start? A "trail" or "walking route" is no different than a cycling route 
> and bus route..
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Key:route
I miss in the route key a way for "Gran Recorrido" ("Big distance")
routes here in Spain, which are routes which cover several kms, off road
most of the time, but which use footways, normal tracks (where motor
vehicles are allowed), some roads, etc.

So how would I tag this? Does the route need to be its own way, or
should we just tag the roads/footways/tracks the route uses with the
route tag?
Rodrigo Moya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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