(cc:ed to talk-gb for NPE relevance, follow-ups as appropriate)

Hi all,

I'm delighted to say Potlatch v0.8 is now live (thanks Tom!).

== Relations support ==

Thanks to Dave Stubbs, Potlatch now has really good support for  
relations. This means you can easily create long-distance routes,  
holes in areas, and other as-yet-undecided uses.

Relations have of course existed in OSM for several months, but I've  
held off adding support into Potlatch until we could get the UI right,  
and I think Dave's work does exactly that.

Any relations that a way(/point/POI) belongs to will show up in the  
tags panel, with the rest of your tags. Relations are also marked on  
the map with an extra colour band. Clever bit: if you move your  
pointer over the relation, Potlatch will highlight all the other  

To edit a relation, just click on it, and you'll get a pop-up tag  
editing panel.

To add a way/whatever to a relation, use the new "link" icon on the  
right, then select a nearby relation from the menu (or "Create a new  

And to change the way's 'role' in a relation, just type it into the  
little text box within the relation, on the tag panel.

== Improved tag editing ==

In conjunction with the above, I've rewritten a lot of Potlatch's tag  
editing code. Changes include:

- You can now use colons in keys
- Tag panel resizes with the window
- Very subtle scrollbar when there's too many tags to fit (possibly  
too subtle :) )
- Explicit 'delete' (X) button for each tag
- Various bugs removed (e.g. clicking autocomplete on freeform fields)

There are many changes under the hood so a few new bugs have been  
introduced - e.g. repeat is erratic and there are some small problems  
with tabbing. There'll be a 0.8a in a couple of days, but as ever, let  
me know of any via trac, the wiki or mail.

== Out-of-copyright layer ==

An out-of-copyright background layer is now available.

It doesn't really have any maps in it yet, though. :) Thus far there  
are a few New Popular Edition tiles of Anglesey and the Chester area  
at zoom level 14 only. I'll be adding the rest of Wales soon and then  
starting on England. If there's anywhere in England you have a burning  
need for, please add your requests to  
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/New_Popular_Edition .

The layer is deliberately called "out-of-copyright" rather than "New  
Popular Edition", because it would be good to get o-o-c maps for other  
areas too. If you have out-of-copyright maps, and some knowledge of  
Perl and projections (Frederik!), let me know and we can discuss  
adding them.

(If any JOSM hackers want to add support for the same layer, it  
comprises Google-like spherical Mercator tiles at the URL  
http://richard.dev.openstreetmap.org/npe/[scale]/[x]/[y].jpg .)


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