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Matt Williams wrote:
> Hello all,
> What I'd like to do is get the feel for what people want from a farm tagging 
> scheme from this list and then put together a decent, coherent proposal to 
> get this sorted out - once and for all. Now, the way I see it, we need to be 
> able to tag the following:
> a) Farm house area (this seems to be what landuse=farm is really designed for)
> b) Farm buildings (this is covered by the building= tag now. Hence [4] is 
> redundant)
> c) Individual fields with:
> c 1) Field types. That is animal or crop. See [2] for discussions so far.
> c 2) Animal type or crop type
> d) Field boundaries. These are very useful for walkers but are only easily 
> mapped with good aerial imagery. This has been mentioned by many people [5] 
> but nothing seems to have come of it as yet [6].

c1), probably OK, c2), doesn't this change with crop rotations fairly
often (if not annually)?

a) & b) I had always understood landuse to be for, er, use of land &
therefore the whole thing; I can see how this wouldn't work with the
others though. I would think this tag wants applying per field/area with
a qualifying tag to specify the type, so 'a farm' would be a bunch of
landuse areas - presumably tied together by a relation?

d) would be covered by the above. Waterway=ditch -es are liable to run
along boundaries, a hedge / fence linear marker would be nice to see in
map features. fenced=yes|no is all very well if it goes all the way round...

(City Boy with country relatives)
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