Hello everyone,

(cross posted to talk in case anyone from abroad fancies a holiday over 

Following on from last year's successful Lake District mapping week I'd 
like to float the idea of a follow up this year - I now have a definite 
week in the early summer when I know I'll be free namely the week 
beginning June 23rd.

One idea would be to do the Lake District again, but further west  (e.g. 
Great Gable, Pillar, Buttermere, High Stile, Scafell Pike, Wasdale, 
Borrowdale) an area which is still decidedly lacking in OSM; if we can 
complete that area, a good part of the Lake District would be done.

Other ideas would be the Peak District, Snowdonia or the Fort William and 
Glencoe area of the Scottish Highlands.

An alternative (and rather different) idea would be a Hampshire mapping 
week - not as hilly as the other areas, but inspired by the fact that the 
coverage of Hampshire footpaths in OSM has increased significantly 
recently - if we can complete, or at least work significantly towards 
completing, a county that would be a good showcase for OSM countryside 

Any preferences? Please let me know if you're interested in one or more of 
the possible locations.


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