As Simon has mentioned, it is correctly mapped.  I don't travel that far
South down the M1 on a regular basis anymore (I used to use that section
daily), and certainly do remember that old slip road (having used it many
times when J1 was busy).  It's interesting it's still there and maintained,
although I'm not personally sure if they would ever bring it back into use


On 04/04/2008, Steve Chilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Stephen - Presume you are reasonably local to area mentioned in your
> note.
> I have often wondered about an artefact at the lower end of the M1:
> Labelled as "former M1 junc2".
> I have driven down the A41 several times and can see no actual sign of it
> as I flash past, but Y! imagery shows it visible on ground.
> Google imagery shows it looking much more like a footpath.
> Do you (or anyone else) know what is actually on the ground, as I am sure
> that having it tagged as motorway is wrong?!
> Cheers
> Steve Chilton, Learning Support Fellow
> Learning and Technical Support Unit Manager
> School of Health and Social Sciences
> Middlesex University
> phone/fax: 020 8411 5355
> Chair of the Society of Cartographers:
> SoC conference 2008:
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Stephen Wing
> *Sent:* 01 April 2008 07:05
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping Mottram and Tintwistle proposed bypass
> On 31/03/2008, *Jon Burgess* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have deployed Steve's changes and one example which has rendered
> already is the current alterations to M1 J8:
>  In fact, even more of the new M1 J8 will appear with the weekly update
> this week, as I was able to map out the changes to the M1 J8 Southbound
> junction last week, and have recorded the start of the new parallel road on
> that side too (these parallel roads will run alongside the M1 on both sides
> all the way to J7.
> Steve
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