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David Ebling wrote:
| I'm firmly with Richard so far on this discussion.
| On one of the issues, Robert, your understanding of
| what "A14 (A11)" means seems very different to mine.
| If I understand you correctly, you're arguing the road
| should be tagged A11 because it has signs saying (A11)
| on it, meaning that it's part of at A11 route.

We're getting way distracted here. I merely suggested that if it were
part of both roads (which legally it seems not to be in the UK, but
according to comments legally is in similar situations in the USA), then
you'd need to put it in a relationship to make the road as an entity
make sense - just using ref's doesn't work well.

Richard seemed to be arguing that putting the whole A11 (with or without
the connecting parts from other roads) in a single relationship was "not
brilliant". Surely that's what relationships are for?

I still don't think it's wrong to relate the stretch of the A14 that
connects the disjointed parts of the A11 together in some way, no matter
what the law says, but either way, the parts of a long route should be
related to each other for database tidiness and consistency reasons. It
just makes sense.

Robert (Jamie) Munro
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