On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 12:31:02AM +0100, Bruce Cowan wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-04-07 at 14:57 +0300, SteveC wrote:
> > Like, er, electing President Bush, or Prime Minister Gordon Brown (no  
> > election) ?
> I'm a pedant [...]

  Oh, if we're being pedantic, I'd like to point out that the British
  convention is that he's "The Prime Minister, Gordon Brown" or "Mr
  Brown" or "Prime Minister" (as in, "Yes, Prime Minister"), but not
  any variation on the American "Prime Minister Brown" or "Mr Prime
  Minister" formats. 

  Sorry, off topic and I managed to resist for a couple of days, but
  it's just one of those niggly things.  And as for Chef Ramsey, he
  can f*** right off.

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