Lester Caine wrote:

> I repeat - WHERE are you getting that information by zooming out.   
> Nothing says that this group of islands is the Philippines

They're just right and down a bit from Hong Kong, which is where the  
Philippines are generally to be found.

The easy way to distinguish them from, say, Anglesey is that Anglesey  
is just off the coast of Wales and its capital is Llangefni, not  
Manila. HTH.

On a more serious note, I agree that it would be quite cool to have  
country names displayed on the smallest scale maps, but the best way  
to achieve this is by actually suggesting it rather than complaining  
that the world has let you down "once again", replete with capital  
letters and an unhappy smiley. (Actually, that's the third best way.  
The second best way is to log a trac ticket. The best way of all is to  
post a patch. ;) )


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