On Mon, 2008-04-14 at 01:02 +0200, J.D. Schmidt wrote:
> Stephan Schildberg skrev:
> > 
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Mapnik does not render light_rail bridges, or does it?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> Yes it does, although I prefer the Osmarender style of bridges.
> >>
> >> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=55.63272&lon=12.64912&zoom=16&layers=B0FT
> >>  
> >>
> > It does't.
> > I wish it would, your sample displays a "subway", look at this, where I 
> > have a "subway" beside a "light_rail".
> > http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=53.619335&lon=10.031516&zoom=18&layers=B0FT
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > regards, Stephan.
> Ahh I see what you mean - The Mapnik layer renders the subway bridge 
> from zoomlevel 14 to 18, but the lightrail bridge is only rendered at 
> zoomlevel 18. Must be an oversight on the part of the mapnik stylesheet 
> maintainer.

light_rail bridges were only added to the style sheet this evening so
the z18 tile must be freshly rendered. Either wait until Weds/Thurs when
all the tiles will get rendered again or add "/dirty" to the tile URL to
force a refresh. See the section "mapnik tile rendering" at
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Slippy_Map for more details.


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