In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Axel von Matern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> - Is it possible to export larger chunks of the maps at the maximum  
> level of detail?

No, because it would be too computationally expensive to produce
such maps. In the case of the bitmap images it would require vast
amounts of memory and in the case of the vector images they would
be unusable even if you could produce them as the files would be
so large that rendering them would take forever.

> - Is it possible to import the XML-file into Illustrator?

Not unless Illustrator has magically gained an understanding of
OpenStreetMap XML data while I wasn't looking, at that seems
extremely unlikely.

Your best bet will be to take the mapnik SVG/PDF/PS image and
import that - Illustrator should be able to read at least one
of those.

> - When I use this map, how can I tell the scale and projection when  
> printing? Would it be correct just to say WGS84? And calculate the  
> scale manually. Would that be enough to get that professional touch?

The scale will be (give or take) what you asked for in the case
of mapnik - there is as I explained yesterday one possible issue
over the question of DPI assumptions with the vector formats.

With the mapnik bitmaps formats, if you assume the bitmap to be
a 96 DPI image then the scale should be what you asked for I think.

The projection is the Google spherical mercator projection for
both mapnik and osmarender images (aka EPSG 900913).



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