At 09:35 PM 30/04/2008, Nick Whitelegg wrote:
>Hello everyone,
>Slight dilemma with what to do about wide, off road (countryside) tracks 
>with official cycle access, in the light of the countryside mapping 
>suggestions I made last week on the wiki. How do cyclists in general tag 
>highway=track; bicycle=yes|permissive; [surface=gravel]
>highway=cycleway; surface=gravel?
>Want to decide whether to retag a whole load of these in the New Forest.

In Sweden, I'm using the former  ... they often double up as agricultural or 
remote residential access. And I use the latter for forest trails for when it 
is clearly too narrow for vehicles or they are specifically forbidden. I've 
also wondered about using 

highway=track; cycleway=track; bicycle=yes|permissive; [surface=unpaved|gravel]

BTW, the gravel-type tracks here are excellent for riding - generally a 
compressed earth/very small grade gravel mix that forms a hard fairly smooth 
shell that does not mire in summer and safer in icy conditions than tarmac.  
Sorry, Etienne!


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