On 08/05/2008 20:47, Stefan Zeller wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm quite curious if there is already a possibility to generate a street
> directory for a part of the OSM data in order to have a useful street
> map of a city. Is it? I've looked a bit but I didn't find something.
> If there is no such a program I'll going to program it. My idea is to
> define a grid on a rectangle part of the OSM data (a city for example).
> Then, with giving every box in the grid a tag (like on chess board),
> just parse the OSM data and assign streets which are lying
> geographically in a certain box to the tag of that box. As an
> application, this directory could be printed next to a map. On that map,
> sure, a layer with the grid must be printed.
> What do you think?

My next intended step with namefinder is kind of like this. I plan to 
expose the names in the namefinder database in gazetteer pages. It would 
be a simple further step to limit the results to a bounding box.

Many of the problems you'd encounter in doing this would be the same 
ones I have already addressed, like the very large number of duplicate 


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