I was thinking about classifying roads in Korea. What criteria am I using
when I put a road in a classification?

I'm starting to think that my support of the current use of the highway tag
was misguided. Maybe we should
be more specific.

I know some people say they don't want to be stringing tape measures across
the road, but for most
countries I think there are only a handful of standard sizes for lanes and
shoulders. Once you know the
sizes for your country you can pretty much just eyeball it.

A name for each kind of road in a person's country could be set up as an
editor feature. I select
"mountain road 2" from my list and it fills in the number of lanes, lane
size, shoulder size, etc.
for me.

Another option might be to have some kind of bot that fills in specific data
based on country
specific highway tags.

I think the first option is probably better. Would it be too complex to base
rendering on a combination
of specific road traits?

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