while mapping and finishing some really small villages around
me live and workplace i thought about map maintenance. 

Has anyone thought or coded a map bug tracker? I mean where users can
submit (by clicking on the map) a bug and telling whats wrong/missing at that
position. Possibly this could only be available for map areas marked to
be "complete". Probably even mappers could accept responsibility for
certain areas and could get assigned those bugs automagically - I would.
Think about the TomTom Software Version 7 feedback stuff where everyone
can submit changes/bugs without a lot of knowledge or additional
hardware just by tipping the screen while driving.

My phantasie shows a user clicking on the map an getting a list of the
geographically next 10 open/closed bugs - He can either choose his bug
is already there at a similar position or open a new bug. Choose from
a drop down list the type of defect and write some words about it. Then
submits the bug which gets a bug number and maybe can leave a feedback
e-mail address. In case an existing point/way is defect the original
editor could even be put on CC.

Bugs could be shown in the map with little pins like the google maps
commercial address popups. Hovering over them with the mouse opens a
little description and a link to the bug.

I would probably even use this for FIXMEs to document where the map 
is incomplete/defect.

Just as a thought ...

Florian Lohoff                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             +49-171-2280134
        Those who would give up a little freedom to get a little 
          security shall soon have neither - Benjamin Franklin

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