On Mon, 12 May 2008, 80n wrote:

>> Ah, ok - does this get rendered?  (It isn't on Map_Features - maybe it
>> should be).
> No.  But you are welcome to add it to any of the rendering engines.

Ok, I'll look into doing so.  What is the procedure for adding this sort 
of thing?  Just post a patch on the dev list?

> It would be particularly useful if Yahoo tracers were to use highway=road as
> I'm sure they can rarely tell what kind of road it is from 30,000ft.

That's exactly what I thought.  Also people who are just driving around 
with a GPS without paying particular attention to the information they are 
collecting (I am guilty of this since I think it is better to collect 
_something_ when you're driving on unmapped roads, even if you aren't in a 
position to collect all the information you would usually need from a full 

  - Steve
    xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.nexusuk.org/

      Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

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