i'm new in this list (i write in the italian mailing list) but i
thought it would be better to write my doubts here. I'm having a look
at OSM APIs and i'm not able to find out how to download all my gpx
traces i've uploaded so far. I can only find how to retrieve all
trackpoints in a bounding box [1] or how to retrieve a track by its id
[2]. Isn't there a way i can download all the tracks belonging to me,
or at least, download only my trackpoints in a bounding box?
Otherwise, how could i find out the whole list of gpx tracks belonging
to me? I thought the rss feed would list me all of my traces... but it
only shows me the last 20 i've uploaded so far.

I googled for a while, but didn't find much of interest. Moreover, i'm
wondering if [3] is the best place where to get infos about API v0.5,
or if there's a better (and more complete) place on the net.

I hope i'm not posting a useless messege ;)


[3] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/OSM_Protocol_Version_0.5

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