Stephen Gower schrieb:
On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 02:31:32PM +0100, Andrew Chadwick (email lists) wrote:
I subscribe to the view that areas should correspond to the real area on
the ground and mostly be kept clear of roadways. Placing an Area's Nodes
near the adjacent Way's nodes helps make the map easier to maintain. I
will often abut adjacent areas that are separated only by something thin
and make their nodes share, however.

  Putting the other side of the argument, as Andrew I'm sure knew I

How about buildings that really are at the edge of a road? (No fence, no
space). I'm afraid I can't show you a photo yet.
Do they share nodes since the "buildings are the border of the road" or
don't they share them since "you can't enter the building from any point
of the road"?
(The area I talk about is this one:
and I know the buildings' shapes aren't correct but there are no
Yahoo-Images for the city and I just did a quick run over the campus to
get it mapped basically.)
In this case I didn't share nodes to be able to edit the buildings
without having to change the road every time (and to make the road have
less nodes sind it really is 100% straight).


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