At 05:00 AM 15/05/2008, Francois De Ryckel wrote:
>Hello everyone,
>How would you tag the "zero point" of a country?
>Shouldn't be an important tag as distances in a country are measure from
>that point?
>Thanks for the advices.
>François de Ryckel


I don't know if this will suit your particular requirements, but I've published 
a list of "country bounds" here which includes a centre lat/lon:

This was generated from US government (public domain!) GNIS data.  This is a 
dataset of several million location points around the world conveniently 
categorised by country.  I simply calculated a bounding box for each country 
and then the centre point of that box.

I then generated about 80% of the OSM place=country tags using the centre point 
to locate the tag.  The OSM database should now have a tag for every country in 
the world (at least as defined by the US government).

There are some inaccuracies though and I am working on  a version two.  In 
particular, I included marine features which makes several boxes too large, and 
may throw the centre point to a strange location.  Once I have this sorted, I 
intend to add a lat_max ... lon_min or some such tags to the country tags.  You 
could then derive a "zero point" directly from the OSM database.


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