On Wed, 28 May 2008, Ian Dees wrote:

> Has anyone experimented with using the hourly, daily, etc. OSC files
> available on planet.openstreetmap.org to update their live PostGIS
> database? Ideally, I'd like to also kick off mapnik re-rendering of the
> tiles that have changed.
> I'm looking at it, but wanted to make sure I'm not duplicating someone's
> work.

I got part way through writing code to do it, but didn't have time to 
complete it.  I did hear rumour that osm2pgsql might be gaining support in 
the future to do this (not sure how likely/soon that is).  My experience 
has been that storing all the data in the DB can be very slow and use a 
lot of disk space, so fairly careful design of the database is needed. 
Also, I made the mistake of doing it in Python - I really think it needs 
to be done in C to get a decent efficiency.

I'll be extremely interested in anything you can come out with though - 
it'd be very useful to be able to import the changes since it would 
allow minutely updates.  You should also be able to calculate which tiles 
need updating while importing the changes, allowing the old tiles to be 
easilly expired and updated.

  - Steve
    xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.nexusuk.org/

      Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

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