On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 11:15 AM, Nick Whitelegg
> SteveC wrote:
>>> I'd like to define some roads that really don't have a name so that
>>> they drop off the noname map.
> [..]
>>> Maybe name:__none__. Or something.
>>Sounds good to me..  +1
> What about just name=""?

The problem with name="" is that it isn't blindingly obvious what that
means to other mappers... people are likely to just delete it as an
unnecessary empty tag. There are also probably a few of these about

The good point about name=__none__ is that I can bet large amounts of
money that no street is actually named "__none__" -- the bad points
are that renderers that don't know about it are going to write it in
the street name, and that if little Bobby Tables gets elected to a
council somewhere we may be in trouble ;-)

I'd also be keen on something that no sane yahoo tracer could think
was a good thing to add.


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