On Sun, 2008-06-15 at 20:27 +0200, Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> Hello,
> I created a pretty large relation (named "Hohenzollern-Weg") for a national 
> bike-route in Germany. Unfortunately it vanished in the past two weeks.
> Is there a way to restore it?
> Is there a way to find out who deleted it?
> Thanks,
> Rainer

Looking in the relations-080528.osm.bz2 from
http://planet.openstreetmap.org/  shows this as ID=9420

  <relation id="9420" timestamp="2008-05-26T08:57:07Z" user="raphzahn" 
 .... lots of members
    <tag k="ref" v="Hz" />
    <tag k="rcn" v="yes" />
    <tag k="type" v="route" />
    <tag k="network" v="rcn" />
    <tag k="created_by" v="Potlatch 0.9a" />
    <tag k="route" v="bicyle" />
    <tag k="name" v="Hohenzollern-Weg" />
    <tag k="key" v="" />

The history shows it was deleted by user 'gomaddin':
( from http://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.5/relation/9420/history )

  <relation id="9420" visible="false" timestamp="2008-06-07T16:53:27+01:00" 

You could try contacting him via http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/gomaddin 


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