Hi List,
www.OpenRouteService.org now supports Bicycle Routing with OSM Data

www.OpenRouteService.org (ORS) offers not only pedestrian and fastest
and shortes routing based on the OpenGIS Open Location Service
specifications (OGC OpenLS), but also bicycle routing for the whole of
Germany. The OpenStreetMap data needs to be preprocessed a big deal in
order to calculate a topological street network valid for routing. This
processing generates currently about 2 million street segements for
Germany (from originally about 900.000 streets). The routing is now
based on the A-star algorithm and which improved the performance in
spite of the increasing data. Further extensions are in work and planned.

Currently the following keys are used for car routing:
- highway with value = motorway, motorway_link, trunk, trunk_link, primary, 
secondary, tertiary, unclassified, residential, service/access=yes and 
- motorcar=yes/no
- oneway
- junction

Currently the following keys are used for pedestrian routing:
- highway with value = all car highway values (without motorway/-link), track,
service, bridleway, cycleway, footway, pedestrian and steps
- foot=yes/no

Currently the following keys are used for bycycle routing:
- highway with value = all car highway values (without motorway/-link), track,
service, bridleway, cycleway, pedestrian and footway
- bicycle=yes/no
- work in progress: tracktype

Of course there are other combinations and possbilities and we
are evaluating those, but this shall serve as a first start ...

We are interested in your feedback! So far the service is restricted
to Germany only, we will add more later.


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