
just to briefly recap what happened on July 2 at the Politecnico di 
Milano, where we had the closing event of the M(')appare Milano campaign (with 
four mapping parties in three months and almost daily radio coverage).

Some of 
the main results of the three-month mapping campaing we ( plus some of 
the key OSMers in the Italian community) conducted are that:

- we have drawn 
*formal* attention of one of the main Architecture and Planning University 
Departments in the country. This will lead to more initiatives where OSM and 
other open mapping projects will gain more support in Italy.

- we have 
generated interest from citizens who may have bumped into OSM and other free 
geographic information "visions" anytime...or maybe not (ranging from blind 
people, anthropologists, taxi drivers, kids and retired housewives, etc.)

last but not least, the meeting was a very good opportunity to consider the 
"state of the Italian map(s)", so to speak, in a scenario where different 
"free/libre information" communities thrive and will necessarily need to 
integrate their visions in order to avoid potential duplication of efforts. 
This is very important in communities currently largely driven by volunteers.

The July 2 meeting itself had substantial radio coverage from the show which 
followed the campaign. They like to give things a comedy tone, but they are in 
fact really interested in the project (and more will come after the summer also 
on the radio side).
If any of you know conversational Italian, try http://65.
49.16.37/podcast/02_07_08.mp3 (from 10'25" to 19'42" and from 
 26'20" to 
30'52" of the MP3 file)

at this point we look forward to taking a little rest 
- but we will be back very soon (August) with more mapping events.

from Italy.

Andrea Giacomelli
vicepresident and media relations manager - (Italian OSGEO Chapter)

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