2008/7/23 Etienne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Someone has emailed me to say that the slippy map at 
> www.openstreetmap.orgdoes not work in Opera nor Firefox/Iceweasel on their 
> Linux box.
> They say that openstreetbugs.appspot.com does not work either.  However
> informationfreeway does.
> InformationFreeway uses an older version of OpenLayers so I'm wondering if
> there's something in a newer version of OpenLayers that is the cause of
> this.
> Below is some info from them about their environment and the symptoms they
> see.  Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions about what could be wrong?
> Thanks.
> 80n
> Java & javascript ENabled in Opera and Iceweasel(FireFox). Java path
> correct and double-checked for Opera as:
> /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/i386
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ # uname -a
> Linux xxx 2.6.26 #1 PREEMPT Mon Jul 21 09:11:54 AST 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
> Openstreetbugs.appspot.com = NOT working in either browser.
>> www.openstreetmap.org = NOT working in either browser.
> I get all the framework and decoration, but just a white oblong where the
> map should appear.
> Hence, no navigations work either.
> No javascript console errors.
>  www.informationfreeway.org
> = YES! Working fine in both browsers!
> Is that strange?
> :-/
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No pb here with iceweasel in this version :

enezeussa:~# dpkg -l | grep iceweasel
ii  iceweasel                            3.0~rc1-1
lightweight web browser based on Mozilla

It works just fine with your both websites...

Do they have "ii      sun-java6-plugin
6-07-3                      The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6"   installed ?

Steven Le Roux
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