
I know the answer ;)

This is the description how to make your own maps for the garmins

Here are ready to use maps for the garmin units.

Simply copy the gmapsupp.img into the garmin-folder on your GPS. 
Sometimes you need to rename it from some other name into gmapsupp.img.

If you want an up-to-date very small area you can use the export 
function of the slippy map at www.openstreetmap.org.
Select a (rather small) area as your view, click on export, select 
OpenStreetMap XML data.

Save the file,

process it with mkgmap.

upload to your GPS

be happy :)



> On Thu, 31 Jul 2008 13:52:27 +0100, Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
> wrote:
>> Another podcast that 80n and I did at LugRadio live, this time a really
>> great quality audio from Ubuntu UK podcast.
>> http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2008/07/31/s01e11-blowin-in-the-wind/
> One of you talks of a means of uploading a vector? map to Garmins.
> This is just the thing I need in order to locate areas on my travels
> which aren't mapped yet.
> Is there a "numpty's how to" for getting, say, the SE of England onto
> a Garmin 76csx?
> Or is this more for the newbies list?
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