
> 2008/8/7 Dan Karran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Does anyone have any ideas about what might be causing this tile to
>> render as an all-land tile? I had tried in the past few days to  
>> render
>> this as a mixed tile (through the informationfreeway.org interface  
>> but
>> it didn't seem to have helped... and I've just tried again now to  
>> make
>> sure).
> I don't think this is just you - the same thing is happening in the
> west of Ireland on the coastline near Galway city:

There was a bug in close-areas.pl which I have just commited a fix  
for, the Galway coastline looks ok now (not uplaoded new tiles but  
checked locally), maybe anyone else seeing a coastline problem and  
who has [EMAIL PROTECTED] installed could check whether it's ok now but I 
it should.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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