Muki Haklay of the Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering at 
University College London has been working on an evaluation of OSM for some 
time and has just yesterday released his report 
( The bulk of 
Muki's paper compares OSM data to an OS Meridien dataset, the headline 
statistics are that 80% of OSM UK motorways overlap those in the OS dataset and 
that OSM has good coverage in 25% of the total land area of England. This 
indicates a long way to go, but as he concludes it is a long way to come in 
such a short period of time. 

The report goes on to analyse the number of contributors to OSM and finds that 
92 users contributed 80% of the data in England. He also produces some figures 
of on the number of editors for 1km squares throughout England and finds that 
50% of the land area has been contributed by a single user.

The report is very definitely worth reading and can be found on Muki's blog


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