Hi Rainer,

Here a proposal which could solve the problem you describe: 
A possibility  would also be, to open a ticket on trac.openstreetmap.org 
for the component "slippy_map" and describe your problem to the mapnik team.

cheers, mariner

Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 10. August 2008 schrieb Rainer Dorsch:
>> Hello,
>> I noticed that osmarender is not rendering ways with the highway=path tag.
> I mixed osmarender and mapnik: osmarender is rendering paths, mapnik does not.
>> Although adding more ways to the map, makes it in some areas less nice,
>> most paths are probably in mountain areas (e.g. sac_scale=mountain), where
>> not much other paths are located.
>> For me rendering paths would be a plus.
> Rainer

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