Note: This message will probably be of the most interset to OSM
mappers in the United States.

I was very disappointed in the recent shut down of the National Map
Corps. This shutdown prompted me to consider if OSM could be a viable
alternative to the former federally sponsored base mapping of the
United States. I started to put down some of my thoughts on paper. I
realized that it wouldn't take a great deal of changes to have OSM
fill this much needed role. I started to put together some "suggested"
procedures and other ideas that would increase the quality of OSM data
and allow it to provide "base map" layers for a traditional GIS. I'll
be trying out some of these ideas and procedures on a OSM mapping
project near my home in Stockton, California.

At any rate, you can read trough some of my ideas for high-quality OSM
data here:

You can read about my pilot project here:

I know I am very new to the OSM community, so I would be interested to
know what other OSM mappers think of this effort, and if there are
similar efforts going on in the United States or other countries. I
would welcome any help implementing the ideas for OSMHQ from other
interested mappers.

The Sunburned Surveyor

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