
OpenStreetMap has this nice [1]feed of its users' [2]diaries, so
that you can get all excited about the progress that fellow mappers
have done near you. Now if you actually try to follow that feed, you
may notice, as did I, that the problem is in the word _near_, which is
the missing piece. It does not help to learn about new developments on
[3]another continent.

Fortunately (and unsurprisingly) the feed is [4]GeoRSS so we can
filter its contents based on the coordinates supplied with most diary
entries. I did not find such service on the Web so I wrote it myself: a
[5]GeoRSS Box Filter. You say
geofilter.php?url=...&minlat=...&maxlat=...&minlong=...&maxlong=... and
it filters the given feed according to the given bounding box. If you
omit the url, it defaults to the above mentioned OSM diary feed, and
the bounding box defaults to Czechoslovakia.

More examples? How about the [6]United Kingdom? or [7]Georgia? (The
[8]Export tab is handy to get the numbers, BTW) To watch for uploaded
GPS traces, use
[9]geofilter.php?url=http://openstreetmap.org/traces/rss. I wonder
what other interesting feeds you can find to experiment with (but I did
not try anything else than RSS 2.0).

Oh, and I worked on this all on the [10]company time because it's
[11]Hack Week3 now, yay!

Reposted from:
1. http://www.openstreetmap.org/diary/rss
2. http://www.openstreetmap.org/diary
3. http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Tatata/diary/2985
4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeoRSS
5. http://vidner.net/martin/software/geo/geofilter.php
8. http://www.openstreetmap.org/export/
10. http://www.suse.cz/en/
11. http://zonker.opensuse.org/2008/08/25/hack-week-iii-off-and-running/

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