Patrick Weber < <at>> writes:

> Hi
> I have setup a local WMS server on my machine which I want to make use 
> of in JOSM for some local aerial imagery I have. I installed the JOSM 
> WMS plugin, and it allows me to use the predefined WMS Servers (for 
> example the Landsat one works).
> I do have trouble though with setting up my local wms server. I tried 
> setting up the connection string in the plugin preferences, but I never 
> get imagery in JOSM. I can add the custom layer to Josm, but no imagery 
> ever shows up. I dont get any error messages though.
> The connection string I am using at the moment is: 

It is close to a complete WMS request.  Try adding parameters
and complete image format to something reasonable, like
&format=image/png or &format=image/jpeg

After those changes it might work.  For comparison, here is a working connection
string for UMN MapServer running at localhost and installed from the most common
Windows package MS4W.  Here &map is MapServer specific vendor parameter that is
not used by other WMS servers. 


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