I usually do some coastline error clean-up in my spare time and there is 
a couple of things that I would find helpful that I have never worked 
out how to do so I want to check if there is an easy way to do them that 
I am missing.

- If I double left click on an openlayers map it re-centres and zooms in 
one zoom level.  Is there a way to re-centre on a chosen point without 
changing the zoom lvl? For example I want to re-centre the map on the 
next coastline error so I can copy the permalink into josm. I realise I 
can just drag the map but on a large wide screen I'm not very good at 
finding exact centre. My current method is to double click on the point 
I want, which zooms me in one level, and then then zoom out one level 
but that's not ideal.

- In Josm is there a way to re-centre to the the area you have just 
downloaded? For example I edit, fix and upload one problem bit of 
coastline, I then identify the next problem in the coast line error 
checker and download that but Josm stays centred on the area I last 
edited. I guess I'm looking for something like 'zoom to data' that zooms 
to the bbox of the most recent download.

I realise that in a normal editing session where you spend a fair bit of 
time editing one area these functions wouldn't be much use but when 
doing something like coastline fixing where you often make very few 
changes (often just reversing a single way) before moving on to the next 
area they would speed thing up a lot.


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