Well, that was a long and illustrative answer. No need to "fix" this, I was just curious if this was a bug or if this - let's call it non-obvious - behaviour was intended.

As stated before, I was just curious and don't consider this important.


Jon Burgess wrote:
On Wed, 2008-09-03 at 21:26 +0200, Norbert Wenzel wrote:

I was just wondering because there are two churches in the same region[0] rendering differently. The whole region should have been rerendered today.

The one "Pfarrzentrum Rif St. Albrecht" (the left one) is a catholic church which shows as a simple square in zoomlevel 16 and is rendered with a cross in all higher zoom levels. The name is only rendered in zoom level 18. I

The other one is only tagged as christian, since I do not know it well enough to tag the denomination correctly. (It is a smaller free church.) This on is rendered always with the cross, but the name is only shown in z17 and disappears again in z18.

Shouldn't both churches be rendered the same in every zoom level, since they only differ on the denomination (and of course the name) property? Or are that different rendering styles intentional?

You are correct they should be rendered the consistently. Both the
different icon and lack of text label have the same underlying reason --
collision avoidance.
On z18 the text label of the church is omitted due to a clash with the
road name.
The square icon is a little harder to understand. If you look at the
osm.xml style for the church icon then you might notice that it cheats
slightly in choosing which icon to render. In pseudo-code the rules

if amenity=place_of_worship and religion=christian then render christian

if amenity=place_of_worship and religion=muslim then render muslim

... some more religion types omitted

if amenity=place_of_worship then render generic church (square).

Notice there are no 'else' clauses to prevent multiple symbols being
rendered. The rules rely on the collision avoidance in Mapnik which will
normally mean that if a Christian church symbol was rendered on the spot
then the generic church square won't appear even though the 'if'
condition is met.

What has happened with this church at z16 is that the recycling logo has
clashed with the Christian church symbol so that was not rendered. The
generic square symbol is slightly smaller so that just avoided clashing
with the recycling symbol and was rendered instead.

It can be fixed by adding lots of extra tests to the generic church
filter (saying ... and not religion=christian and not
religion=muslim ... etc). It makes the rule look a little bit ugly and
more tricky to maintain so I avoided doing that before. I didn't think
of the case that one symbol might clash and another might not.


[0] http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=47.72722&lon=13.07473&zoom=16&layers=B00FTF
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