On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 18:40 -0700, Neil Penman wrote:
> Any idea why the island of Sawu does not appear on Mapnik?
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=-10.5599&lon=121.8353&zoom=14&layers=B00FTF
> Neigbouring islands added at the same time are visible although
> Raijua, is only partially visible at zoom level 9 but disappears at
> zoom levels 10 and higher.  

The underlying data looks fine. The map is being rendered at z10+ using
shapefiles from the coastline checker generated 2008-09-02. The z9-
shapefiles were generated on the tile server a week earlier. I'll have
to take a look at what the coastline checker thinks of the area but it
seems off-line at the moment.


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