Am Sat, 6 Sep 2008 21:09:52 +0200 schrieb leblatt:

> I Consider recycling should be encouraged, and I map a recycling point when
> I come across one. But I find it abnormally tedious to tag the type of goods
> that can be recycled. This information should have been made easier to tag.
> For instance, instead of :
> amenity=recycling
> recycling:cans=yes
> recycling:glass_bottles=yes
> recycling_papers=yes
> recycling:cardboard=yes
> one could write :
> amenity=recycling
> recycling = cans; glass_bottles; papers; cardboard

IMHO The current way is much better. Having everything in one tag may be
easier to tag but much catchier to evaluate. The current scheme allows you
to easily filter for certain recycling types. 


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