Douglas wrote:


> I've found it incredibly useful, as I am now printing 

> out maps in my area, where there are a lot of un-named 

> roads, and going for a walk at lunch time or after work.


> However, it would be nice to know how often it is updated, 

> as the changes I've been making over the last few days have 

> yet to show up in the map view. 


Funnily enough, I was just printing maps of Peterborough when your
email arrived; I'll be visiting there tomorrow for non-mapping
purposes, but thought that while I was there I could at least note a
few road names. I’ve printed three different zooms centred on the
station as I don’t know how much time I’ll have or how far I’ll be
able to get from the station in the time available.


I too was wondering how it works, exactly. I noticed that there is a
road in Peterborough called Peterhouse Close that is highlighted in
red on the NoName layer, yet has (and has rendered inside the red
line) a name tag.
ers=000BFTF> &lon=-0.25247&zoom=16&layers=000BFTF



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