ok, this works - but a new error appears:
... function addgeometrycollum(...) does'nt exist ...

Do i have to import some mapnik-tables first ? - where i can find the import-file
for this/these functions ?


Jukka Rahkonen schrieb:
contact <at> living-structures.de <contact <at> living-structures.de> writes:

My PostgreSQL-Server is running on localhost port 5432
and i've set up a database called 'postgis' but when i try to
osm2pgsql -d:postgis planet.osm
i get this error:
                        fe_sendauth: no password supplied
but the database is set to 'public' - so, why i get this password error
andrewcontact <at> living-structures.de schrieb:

You need to change PosGIS settings in pg_hba.conf so that database does not
require password.  It means setting "method" to "trust".  This belongs to
restrictions of osm2pgsql for Windows: you cannot give db host, no port, no
username nor password but everything must be set up so that the defaults work.

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