
I just saw the name of a golf course in Salzburg, Austria [0] which shows a small (for Mapnik, but really big typographical) error. The dash in the name is drawn as the first sign in a line, which is really ugly.

It doesn't even make any sense to draw it like that, since the last line (the line with the dash) is the longest line, so there would have been enough space in the previous line for the dash, without increasing the size of the texts bounding box further than necessary.

Anyway, in my opinion the BB doesn't even matter, because the dash should *never* be the first sign in a line.

Don't get me wrong, it's only a minor issue, but it's really ugly, and if it would be easy to fix, I'd appreciate that. If it's not easy, it should be kept in mind, but I don't think such typographical errors are very often found on the map, so it wouldn't need a high priority.


[0] http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=47.71974&mlon=13.06424&zoom=17&layers=B000FTF

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